Wednesday, August 08, 2007


nothing --- thts all--an idea i thought abt an year n half back

Whenever man tries to probe into the universe's dimension of time, he will finally be confronted with eternityWhere he tries to understand the dimension of space, he will be finally confronted with infinity।

So there is no begining for the universe...... even the numbers start from -infinity to + infinity, i mean we can not say the begining and the ending।The question ... why we exist? ---> we assume that it leads to the question of how something comes from nothing?the reason of how we came frm nothing is impossible to explain॥ rather we can say why we exist by recognising our own inevitability(unavoidable) Imagine urself going back in time till the begining of the moment where ur are being sucked in from somewhere....the begining pt। we are moving into the ultimate nothingness.the thought is wht exists beyond this point? If we carefully study the common meaning of nothing we can discover two distinct references. One reference we make is toward something that has no discernable form or substance, such as a void or a vacuum. Nothing logically wrong in that case. This type of nothing is real and exists. It is actually quite ordinary. But the other reference we make when using the word nothing is toward a different and much more radical concept, that of non-existence.There is a real nothing that seems to have no form, and this nothing is one of the most common features found in nature, space being the most obvious example. If we remove all the ordinary matter from space it becomes a singular expression of nature. The oneness of space makes it a singularity. So actually nothingness is identified with something (oneness.... that is everything seen is one....). Something represents nothing. This nothing is real and it exists. Dictionary defines "nothing" as something that does not is referring to someobject that does not exist. It makes no real sense. Wht word shld represent a form tht is not a form, a thing tht is not a thing?? Wht concept has no reality or meaning॥?? This is non-existence...which if defined using a meaningful ideaand as the otherwise of tht idea, defies the reality..... We mix these two, nothing tht exist and non-existence and hence we are not able to understand why we r here.......

Nonexistence.....In the use of meaning, the meaning that otherwise defines all things in all languages, a non-existence cannot be described. Nor can it be imagined or conceptualized. It cannot be signified, or resembled, or symbolized. By its own definition, a non-existence cannot even be inferred with any logical coherency. I am saying this to mean that the term non-existence does not belong as a member of any language. Its use is a contradiction in meaningfulness. And there is no escaping this realization once it is understood. So non existence is being defined with a meaningtaking the contradiction of the meaning which is non existence defined as meaningless idea.......It is the existence and being of the universe that creates meaning, or at least they are intermingled. If existence is meaning ful, the contradiction of it non-existence shld be defined as something meaning less.Only existence allows for there to be meaning, just as only meaning allows for there to be existence. At the heart of the matter is that total nothingness, isn't a possibility. Non-existence by its own definition cannot be. That is a very ponderous statement, but a true one. The most simple logic, and the deepest intuition, both lead to this same realization. There is no alternative to existence. So our earlier time line into the past to search for the beginning of existence can never reach any point of origin. There is no such precipice as the one imagined.If we look into the past we might find a point where our space-time begins from some timeless singularity, a state which continues to exist even after our time begins and travels away from it, or maybe there is some other explanation of being begetting being. But any attempt to find an ultimate beginning from nothing is doomed to fail.So it means a state exists .... a state of oneness which exists much before us and later to there is no begining and ending to the existance.The absence of thingness is just no things. But no things is still a thingThe universe is everywhere we go and everywhere we see. There is no place where the universe is not. Yet we still imagine in a vague way an alternative, as if the universe could stop existing, as if we ourselves might not exist. Its kind of funny really, the way we spend most of our lives thinking we shouldn't exist, not realizing how inevitable and innate we are, and we do so only from making a subtle mistake.

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